Pratipatti O Bandhulav | Dale Carnegie and Translated by Prithviraj Sen


  • Type: Book
  • Genre: Motivational Book in Bengali
  • Author: Dale Carnegie and Translated by Prithviraj Sen
  • Publisher: Kamini Prakashalay
  • ISBN: N/A
  • Book Edition: Hardcover
  • Language: Bengali

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Buy Pratipatti O Bandhulav Book written by Dale Carnegie and Translated by Prithviraj Sen and published by Kamini Prakashalay. Get a huge number of Book written by Dale Carnegie and Translated by Prithviraj Sen from our online book shop.

We have a tremendous collection of Books written by Dale Carnegie and Translated by Prithviraj Sen. Kamini Prakashalay is a popular name in publication world. Almost all books published by Kamini Prakashalay are available in our online store.

Pratipatti O Bandhulav is one of the bestselling books. If you are searching Pratipatti O Bandhulav then you are at right place. You can buy Pratipatti O Bandhulav at an affordable price.

How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936)

This is Carnegie’s most famous book and is considered a classic in the self-help genre. The book offers practical advice on how to improve relationships with others, be persuasive, and become more likable. The core message emphasizes the importance of empathy, showing genuine interest in others, and practicing kindness.

Key Principles:

    • Don’t criticize, condemn, or complain.
    • Give honest and sincere appreciation.
    • Arouse in the other person an eager want.