Bidrohi Kabi Nazrul


  • Type: Book
  • Genre: Biography and Auto Biography
  • Author: Subodh Chakraborty
  • Book Edition: Paperback
  • Language: Bengali

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Biography of Kazi Nazrul Islam

Kazi Nazrul Islam (1899-1976) was a Bengali poet, writer, musician, and revolutionary who is regarded as one of the most prominent figures in Bengali literature and culture. He was born on May 25, 1899, in Churulia, West Bengal, India.

Nazrul Islam’s family was poor, and he had to work as a laborer and a soldier to support himself. However, he continued to write poetry and was recognized for his talent at a young age. In 1920, he joined the Indian independence movement and became involved in revolutionary activities.

Nazrul Islam’s poetry was known for its revolutionary themes, patriotic fervor, and progressive ideas. He wrote about the struggles of the poor, the oppression of women, and the need for social justice and equality. Some of his most famous works include “Bidrohi,” “Agnibina,” and “Dhumketu.”

Nazrul Islam was also a talented musician and composer, and he wrote numerous songs and compositions that became popular among Bengali audiences. His music reflected his patriotic and revolutionary ideals and often inspired people to fight for their rights and freedom.

Unfortunately, Nazrul Islam’s life was marked by hardship and illness. He suffered from several illnesses throughout his life, including a mental illness that affected him in his later years. However, he continued to write and create until his death on August 29, 1976.

Despite his struggles, Nazrul Islam’s contribution to Bengali literature, music, and culture is widely recognized and celebrated in India and Bangladesh. He is often referred to as the “Rebel Poet” and continues to inspire generations of artists and thinkers with his revolutionary ideas and creative works.