Biswasghatak | Narayan Sanyal | Dey’s Publishing


  • Type: Book
  • Genre: Bengali Novel Book
  • Author: Narayan Sanyal
  • Publisher: Dey’s Publishing
  • ISBN: N/A
  • Book Edition: Hardcover
  • Language: Bengali

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About the Book Biswasghatak

“Biswasghatak” is a Bengali novel by Narayan Sanyal, a well-known author in Bengali literature. The title “Biswasghatak” translates to “Traitor” in English. The novel is based on the life and contributions of Robert Oppenheimer, the American theoretical physicist, and the “father of the atomic bomb” for his role in the Manhattan Project, the World War II undertaking that developed the first nuclear weapons.

Narayan Sanyal’s work often blends meticulous research with engaging storytelling, and “Biswasghatak” is no exception. The novel delves into the ethical and moral dilemmas faced by scientists like Oppenheimer who contributed to the creation of a weapon of mass destruction. It explores the complexity of scientific pursuit, the conflicts between duty and conscience, and the profound consequences of technological advancements.

Sanyal’s portrayal of Oppenheimer is nuanced, presenting him as a brilliant yet conflicted figure who grapples with the aftermath of his work. The novel is appreciated for its deep philosophical questions and its exploration of the human side of scientific achievement.